Tuesday, May 3, 2011

post pox party

recently, the chicken pox swept through my family at a painfully slow rate. six and half people, (dad only had one spot) came down with the dotties - one by one, with a reasonable gap between most of the victims. with our entire house marked as a contamination hot spot, we were isolated (or at least un-visitable) from the world for 78 days. needless to say, when the pox finally hit the last family member - the brother who got his vaccination a day after breaking out in a few sneaky spots - we were about ready to meet the world again...

so to celebrate, we thought what better way to mark the end of this momentous occasion then to have a 'post pox party'! there were chicken-poxed cookies, red eclairs filled with custard (only mildly disturbing) red and white bunting and red, spotty garlands. and little signs to help people organise their cars in a somewhat tidy fashion...

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