Saturday, August 13, 2011

new toy

today i visited our local op-shop for the first time since it re-opened after the queensland floods. it went completely under, and while they've cleaned out the mud and opened up again it's sadly a lot smaller and less stocked than it was before. i did manage to find this amazing retro sewing machine for only $40, and in seemingly perfect working order too! it's a lemair helvetia (i've never heard of this brand before) but i'll be taking it in to a sewing shop soon for a quick service and hopefully some tips on how to use it - it came with no manual and i've only just learnt how to thread the needle on my mums' machine after being told how to do it around 537,498,734,582,398,498 times.



  1. Do you still have it ,I just got one, wondering if you have anything to tell me about it?

  2. Hi
    I have just picked the same machine up from my mum and have been searching for a manual. I have found a manual online of Lemair Helvetia which is a bit different. Have you managed to find a manual for the machine.

  3. Pretty sure that the model shown is a Lemair New Custom Zig-Zag as shown on this AWW advert from 1972...
    It is a rebadge of the Brother 651 Charger. We have started an new Facebook group for Lemairs at...
    Hope you're having fun with your machine! - K
